Soul Cyphers

Special Promo - eBook for only 99 cents!

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Campaign Details

1000 shares by Thu, Feb, 26, 2026 |  90% supported

Soul Cyphers

Hi Friends,

Thanks for your support in the outstanding launch of my latest book, SOUL CYPHERS! I deeply appreciate you!

I'm currently running a special for the Kindle version at only 99¢ to get this book out to as many people as possible. The benefit to you is that this book helps people to live a better life, discover their self-worth and return to hope!

How you can you help:

  • Please share my book special on social media, blog articles or drop a mention my book in your newsletter.
  • Write an Amazon review of my book. Click the "Reviews" tab for some suggestions. Just remember to write a review in your own words.
  • If you know of a television program, radio show or podcast where I might be a fit, please share me!

Currently my eBook is only 99 cents! Available at this special price for the next 72 hours!

Thank you again for your help in making this book launch a huge success!

Campaign Updates

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Limited time special price for my book!

I truly appreciate your amazing support for my book. The book just hit number one internationally with your amazing support! My Kindle book is on special for 99 cents for a limited time! If you are so moved, please share this with your tribe! I've just updated all of my suggested social media messages and posts to reflect the special offer. Thanks! ~Robert

Campaign Contact

Robert Clancy


518-326-1135 x11