Soul Cyphers

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Shout outs for radio hosts

These are intended to be conversational, not read like announcements. So we encourage you to put them in your own words and ad lib.

Do you ever feel a little lost?

Do you ever feel a little lost? Like you know there’s got to be a better way to live, but you just don’t know how to achieve it? I’ve got a great new book for you. Soul Cyphers: Decoding a Life of Hope & Happiness, by Robert Clancy, is filled with inspirational stories that will enlighten and inspire. Better yet, Robert has filled each chapter with “decodes” – lessons that you can take away, and use to make your own life journey a little better. Get Soul Cyphers today!

Looking for some inspiration?

Looking for some inspiration? I found a great new book that I want to share. It’s called Soul Cyphers: Decoding a Life of Hope & Happiness. Author Robert Clancy put together this book of uplifting stories, along with “decodes” – lessons from each story that you can use to improve your own life. I can see myself keeping this book on my nightstand for a little pick-me-up for years to come. Pick up Soul Cyphers today!

Are you going through a challenge in your life?

Are you going through a challenge in your life? We’ve all been there at one point or another. One of my favorite new books is Soul Cyphers: Decoding a Life of Hope & Happiness, a collection of inspirational stories by Robert Clancy. Not only is the book filled with stories that will uplift you and show you that you’re not alone – it will also give you some of the keys to creating peace in your own life. Pick up Soul Cyphers today, and you’ll see what I mean!