8 Ways to Sabatoge Your Speaker One-Sheet Webinar

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The 8 Ways You Could Sabotage Your Speaker One-Sheet

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Wow! Who knew there are actually eight ways you can undermine the success of your Speaker One-Sheet?

So my friend and colleague, Jackie Lapin, an expert on everything related to getting booked, has set out to prevent you from making these mistakes. A Speaker One-Sheet is a powerful document in persuading a decision maker to book you, but not if you botch it up!

So I encourage you to watch her short 30-minute webinar 8 Ways to Sabotage Your Speaker One-Sheet (subtitled: A Cautionary Tale on How to Avoid Making Critical Mistakes When Trying to Impress a Speaker Booker!)

This is going to save you a lot of headaches—and even cost if you were forced to start over!

Click here to watch! (Your Link)

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Speaker-One Sheet Alert! Help is on the Way!

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If you plan to do a Speaker One-Sheet or you already have one that’s not getting you enough gigs, you should watch this webinar 8 Ways to Sabotage Your Speaker One-Sheet  

In it Jackie Lapin, an expert on getting booked to speak, has dissected all the common mistakes people make when constructing or preparing for the crafting of their Speaker One-Sheets!

This 30-minute webinar will steer you in the RIGHT direction and away from making catastrophic (and even small) mistakes. And you may even want to improve the Speaker One-Sheet you already have!

I encourage you to watch!   

You can see it here! (Your Link)

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To Get Virtual Gigs, Make Sure Your Speaker One-Sheet Avoids These Mistakes

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So with all the virtual speaking opportunities now abounding, you really need a good Speaker One-Sheet to start racking up those gigs.

So don’t let a few simple mistakes stub your toe in the process and make locking them in more difficult.

Watch this webinar 8 Ways to Sabotage Your Speaker One-Sheet from my friend and colleague Jackie Lapin, who knows the score here, and can guide you to create the Speaker One-Sheet you deserve!

You’ll even discover how easy it is to get it done right quickly so you can be capturing your virtual opportunities in days!

You can get instant access here, (Your Link

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